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Featuring Women's Wilderness

August 31, 2021

It’s Monday! What better way to start off your week than by joining others in giving a little to make a difference? If you haven’t given already, start with $1 and see how it feels.

Our Cause of the Week is an amazing organization that provides empowering outdoor trips for girls, women, and the LGBTQ+ community! Let’s see how many small gifts (it’s microgiving!) we can collect to support Women’s Wilderness and the transformative impact their work has on people. Every dollar adds up!

Why Women’s Wilderness?

Among so many other reasons:

  • Women’s Wilderness has decades of experience leading extended programs, courses, and retreats in rock climbing, backpacking, canoeing, and other outdoor sports.

  • They believe girls from all backgrounds and income levels should have access to the power of the great outdoors.

  • They are committed to providing safe, respectful, inclusive, and collaborative environments that foster self-awareness and self-actualization.

  • 65% of their participants receive financial aid, and they have never turned away anyone for lack of funds.

That’s just scratching the surface, find out more about their programs and ways to connect with them here.

Donations from people who believe in the power of the outdoor experience fuel their work! Our collective gifts will help provide scholarships, transportation, food, backpacking, and climbing gear. Thanks for showing you care by spreading the news and chipping in, because 52andChange is about giving a little, and sharing a lot!

Become a

Would you give $4 a month to support four nonprofits that are making a big difference? Join forces with other 52andChangmakers to automatically give to every Cause of the Week. Every Monday, you’ll wake up knowing you’ve already made a difference! As our community grows, so does the impact!


Latest news from 52andChange!

Together we’ve become volunteers in places we would have never expected, planted milkweed for butterflies, provided books to kids in need, helped save endangered turtles, helped turn excess food into nutrition, helped bring art to youth, educated one another about how we are connected to our delicate food systems, helped save abandoned horses and given old dogs new hope, watched foster youth shine in the spotlight of movie making, helped clean tires out of rivers… we could go on and on and on. It is an absolute joy to be a part of such an amazing network of humans making a difference.

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Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes!

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