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Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes Pantry and Lunch

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Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes Pantry and Lunch



Loaves and Fishes is a community-based organization dedicated to alleviating hunger among working poor families, farm workers, and elderly, disabled, and homeless individuals of Central California's Pajaro Valley. We help sustain the lives of thousands of individuals by assisting them with nutritious food, education, and referrals in cooperation with other agencies.

Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes combats food insecurity with emergency and supplementary groceries and delicious hot meals every weekday. We provide low-barrier access to anyone who needs food. We served 54,000 lunches and thousands of families with fresh and hearty groceries in 2021.

We envision a Pajaro Valley community in which all people have access to healthy food and the other basic necessities of life. We are committed to working collaboratively to develop a healthier, more food-secure community through direct service and advocacy. Each day we manifest the values of service, compassion and justice in our work.

Access to quality food is a basic human right, and food insecurity is not because of a lack of resources, but due to a concentration of power.


Despite the agricultural bounty of the Pajaro Valley, working poor families, farmworkers, veterans, the elderly, and disabled and homeless individuals struggle with food insecurity — a lack of adequate, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs. 70% of those we serve are farmworkers and their families.

Since 2018, “Pantry-on-the-Go!” provides access to nutrient-dense, individually portioned, easy-to chew, safe-to-store, and ready-to-eat foods for about 400 folks who are homeless or living in single-room units or shelters. Individuals without kitchens now have a consistent, safe, sanitary source of quality foods to foster improved health.

We operate the only lunch program and pantry in the area that's open to all Monday to Friday, and on all bank holidays. We fed 63,323 people in 2021 — more than 5,275 people each month! And we provided more than 588,400 pounds of wholesome food, 46% of which was fresh produce.

Since our first day we’ve been a frontline, boot strapping, humble organization touching thousands of lives each year with a limited budget and efficient operations carried out by hundreds of volunteers and a small but nimble staff.


Loaves and Fishes was initially established as an emergency feeding and aid program of St. Patrick’s Church of Watsonville. In the aftermath of the devastating Loma Prieta earthquake, which struck the area in October 1989, Loaves and Fishes served more than 20,000 meals to thousands of local residents displaced by the disaster.

In 1994, Loaves and Fishes formally separated from St. Patrick's Church while still operating at St. Patrick’s Serra Center. We incorporated as an independent non-profit organization and now operate under the guidance of a board of directors comprised of unpaid community volunteers.


  • It's a travesty that there are people suffering from food insecurity anywhere, much less in one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world.
  • They have a simple, clear and direct mission and focus towards helping to sustain the lives of thousands of people in their community.
  • These are just the kind of nonprofit heroes that we are honored to feature. With a limited budget, small staff, and hundreds of volunteers, they are doing the hard work, every day, to make people's lives better - because it's the right thing to do.

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