Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes and MicroMatching
February 14, 2022
Are you ready to join others in making a difference through a micro-donation this week? We’re featuring Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes Pantry and Lunch on 52andChange as our Cause of the Week, and here’s why we’re matching all micro- donations that come in, up to $500, to support this wonderful cause:
Loaves and Fishes is a community-based organization dedicated to alleviating hunger among working poor families, farm workers, and elderly, disabled, and homeless individuals of Central California's Pajaro Valley. 70% of those served are farmworkers and their families.
This crucial nonprofit combats food insecurity with emergency and supplementary groceries and delicious hot meals every weekday. They fed 63,323 people in 2021 — more than 5,275 people each month! And they provided more than 588,400 pounds of wholesome food, 46% of which was fresh produce.
It's a travesty that people suffer from food insecurity anywhere, much less in one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world. Find out more about Loaves and Fishes’ work and ways to connect with them here.
This is just the kind of nonprofit that we are honored to feature. With a limited budget, small staff, and hundreds of volunteers, they are doing the hard work, every day, to make people's lives better — because it's the right thing to do.
Many thanks to these nonprofit heroes for all they do, and to you for pitching in a little to show your solidarity with their heroic staff, volunteers, and constituents.